78 – Bored in the Dining Hall

78 – Bored in the Dining Hall

Mmm, tasty tetrodotoxin. Om nom nom.

Discussion (5)¬

  1. […] The Rift added an interesting post today on 78 – Bored in the Dining HallHere’s a small readingMmm, tasty tetrodotoxin. Om nom nom. […]

  2. Anonymous says:

    where were you able to find marshmallows and pretzels?

  3. Myra Continue-Dance says:

    ROCK ON.


    The end.

  4. Kat says:

    Is it sad that that actually happened in my apartment one time?

  5. TheTechnical says:

    Tetrodotoxin is also the poison in puffer fish. Its level vary throughout the year. For some the height of cuisine is to eat it at just the time in which your lips go numb, but you don’t die. The poison works by blocking the sodium chanels in your cellular membranes.

    I had this as my chemestry project! 😉
