Props to the real McCoy, of course.
…I’m working on this mouseover text problem. There used to be alt text in the first version of the site (hand-coded HTML, ugh it was obnoxious), but I’m dumb and haven’t found anything in WordPress yet to let me edit the mouseover text. Suggestions are more than welcome!
I’m not sure how it works with the Comicpress addon, but with regular WordPress, there’s usually a “code” option which lets you edit the auto-generated html code. It’s in this place you can add the alt text.
Cute. And sad at the same time.
Also, I’m getting a huge pokemon vibe from the comic. Was that intentional?
Actually I was the reverse. I was the science geek that hung out with the theater and music crowd. Great parties that I can sometimes almost remember.
Oooh… poor Penny. That Hat Guy is mean. XD
The comicpress addon has a special field for it in post.
Hat guy is not mean, he’s just got limited appendages for doing the hands on work, and there are already two targets.