196 – Phil v. Chuck

196 – Phil v. Chuck

I totally spelled “Punxsutawney” correctly on the first try. I am a geek because that made me very excited and proud of myself.

I’m more of a Staten Island Chuck fan, anyway. I met the guy who takes care of him! Wicked awesome dude.

By the way, those shirts rock. I want one.

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Discussion (5)¬

  1. Renold says:

    I didn’t know there were Groundhog Day groundhogs other than Phil. >.>;

  2. Baughbe says:

    Didn’t know either. Who says web comics aren’t educational! Also, I am starting a campaign to replace the Groundhogs with Blind Naked Mole Rats. If they can NEVER see their shadows…

  3. Styg says:

    I didn’t know there were Groundhog Day groundhogs at all! I thought they just made that whole concept up for the film! Although, I’m not actually very surprised.

  4. MrGBH says:

    Ummm, I have a question. How can he look at her chest when she’s invisible?

  5. Kat says:

    WTF? The Eastcoast has a groundhog now?
