24 – Holofoil Dining Hall

24 – Holofoil Dining Hall

The main dining hall at my school is called “Commons.” Card game references for the win.

Discussion (6)¬

  1. Renold says:


  2. Kaitlyn-Geek cubed says:

    i LOVE Renold’s expression hee hee

  3. Felix says:

    Is there a Serra Angel?

  4. Sam_Reader says:

    Is there any chance you go to RPI
    or is Commons just a really popular name for dining halls

  5. Jenny says:

    @Sam_Reader: Check out the About and the bottom of the FAQ. 🙂

  6. FreeFlier says:

    It’s a really common name for a dining hall . . . usually prefaced with another name, but it’s usually just referred to as the commons.
