It goes without saying that Habitat for Humanity is awesome. Double points for doing it in the snow!
I’ve started adding tags and mouseover text to the archive. Hopefully by the end of this week I’ll have finished this for every update. GAH.
It goes without saying that Habitat for Humanity is awesome. Double points for doing it in the snow!
I’ve started adding tags and mouseover text to the archive. Hopefully by the end of this week I’ll have finished this for every update. GAH.
Wait. You’re adding mouseover text?
But I don’t wanna do another archive binge. My connection sucks!
Raggum fraggum useless internet provider ruggum.
mouseover text… 336 of them…. dammit!!! That’ll take hours to read!
Oh gosh, to the /archive/?? You must be crazy (the good-for-us kind =D )
But now I know WIDOMWV >_>
NOOO sporadic mouseover text! The bane of the reader!